Take full control of your Bitcoin.

Our self-custody solutions empower you to manage your Bitcoin privately and confidently, eliminating reliance on third parties and removing counterparty risk.

We provide hands-on training to help you own and use Bitcoin effectively.

Our goal is to simplify Bitcoin, ensuring it's accessible for anyone to safeguard their money for the future.

Wallets & Nodes

Securely establish your digital assets.

Bitcoin purchase
buying bitcoin

Secure options for buying Bitcoin.

Bitcoin privacy
privacy measures

Protect Bitcoin transaction privacy.


Advanced Bitcoin security.


Shield against online threats.


Plan Bitcoin asset transfer thoughtfully.

Bitcoin Self-Custody means... taking charge of your Bitcoin, storing it securely, and staying updated on best practices.


  • 1
    Backup Strategy
    Establish a robust backup plan to safeguard critical information.
  • 2
    Air-Gapped Wallet setup
    Discover the optimal wallet for your needs and receive guidance on its usage.
  • 3
    Bitcoin Node configuration
    Configure a Bitcoin Node for full sovereignty and privacy.
  • 4
    Ongoing Remote Support
    Get help with updates, upgrades, and optimizations for all components, along with dedicated time for addressing questions and concerns.
Team picture

Our 3 Pillars of Self-Sovereignty

Financial indepence
FINANCIAL autonomy

Maintain full control over your Bitcoin's security and privacy.

Enhanced security

Protect against surveillance, censorship, and intrusion.

location independence

Relocate to where you're valued and respected most.

Let's discuss your self-custody needs and create a personalized plan

Schedule a consultation