The Paranoid Survive, Bitcoiners Thrive

Prepare for an uncertain future by embracing Bitcoin, privacy, and self-sufficiency. The world is changing fast!

In this article:

We know you feel it too...

There is a palpable tension in the air today that spreads far beyond the borders of just the USA.

No matter where you live, or where you fall on the political spectrum, the news of Donald Trump’s assassination attempt should leave any rational person in despair at the continuing degradation of society.

Even the most ardent Trump critics must surely find themselves repulsed by what took place at the rally in Pennsylvania. Attempting to kill someone you oppose politically is a despicable and cowardly act. An act that has unfortunately resulted in an innocent spectator sadly losing their life.

Trump fan or not, it should be impossible to regard this event as anything other than morally repugnant. To think otherwise would be profoundly ‘Un-American’.

Tensions Are Rising

The discomfort we all feel is a completely rational response to the events unfolding around us. The world we inhabit has become confusing, unpredictable and increasingly adversarial.

Witnessing a presidential candidate have an attempt made on their life underscores just how fractious and perilous our situation has become. Political tensions in the US had already begun to feel like a tinder box; now the concern is what happens if we start seeing more sparks like the one we just saw in Pennsylvania.

These events should deeply concern you regardless of your political affiliations. The prospect of unrest or perhaps even a civil war in America would be catastrophic for the local population and could result in carnage and instability worldwide. If civil war were to break out, it won’t matter if your preferred political candidate won the election or not. You’re likely to find yourself with far more pressing concerns.

It's looking more and more likely that we are in fact heading towards a ‘fourth turning’.

Remember- Keep Your Head

In a world gripped by so much uncertainty and anger, it’s important we try and keep our heads. Being overly reactive and losing controlof our emotions is of no practical use. Being concerned is understandable, but reacting with anger, hatred or fear serves only to make the situation worse.

The challenge with keeping our heads in situations like this however is that when huge global events take place, we can find ourselves feeling powerless and lacking any agency. For most of us, we feel like we are simply along for the ride, forced to watch on through our fingers as the world descend into chaos.

And this lack of agency and feeling like a helpless observer carries with it real risk. It encourages us to remain glued to our smartphones, desperate to find out what our fate might be. Much like a car crash, it’s almost impossible to look away. As humans we each share a burning desire to make sense of the world around us and predict the future. It’s natural to find ourselves drawn in by endless commentary and speculation as to what’s ‘really going on’?

What were the motives? How many shooters were there? Was it a lone madman or is there a deeper conspiracy at play…?

Well,we certainly don’t have the answers. The reality is, it’s unlikely that anybody truly does. Consider that even after more than 60 years people still fiercely debate the motives and actions that led up to JFK’s assassination.

So, if we may, we’d like to encourage you to let go of the need for conclusive answers and satisfying resolutions. It’s unlikely there will be definitive answers to any of the questions above for years to come, perhaps not even in our lifetimes. Yet the debates and political commentary will continue to rage on indefinitely, hungry to keep your attention. It’s certainly going to be a wild ride to November.

Ther isk with this of course is that it robs us of one of our most precious assets. Our time. It’s easy to let it become all consuming. But what can the average person do but watch on in horror? Is it really possible to reclaim some of our agency? Are there better ways we could be spending our time?

Well, we certainly think so. We want to propose that the most sensible course of action in response to an increasingly dangerous world is to spend time getting better prepared. It’s time to work on making yourself more resilient and more capable of navigating a more adversarial world.

Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

We aren’t suggesting you should never engage with politics or news stories as dramatic as this. Living in a bubble isn’t the answer; you’d never know what was happening or what was approaching on the horizon. Just like us, you are inevitably going to be engrossed by the news of a US presidential candidate being the target of an assassination attempt. Who wouldn’t be? It’s the kind of event that is likely to change the course of history.

But at the same time, we do think that spending weeks engaging with endless speculation to garner anything more than essential information should be considered a luxury. A luxury that should only be reserved for those who already consider themselves well prepared for a potentially unstable future.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

But how can we prepare?

The Tools of the Sovereign Individual

So, if we manage to free ourselves from inaction and stop merely observing the world change rapidly around us, what practical steps can we take to protect ourselves from potential unrest?

In our opinion, the best way to protect yourself is to learn and adopt the tools of the Sovereign Individual…

Embrace Bitcoin

It's going to come as no surprise that we recommend you acquire and adopt Bitcoin. The extent to which you do this is a personal decision that should be carefully considered based on your own circumstances and reflect how well you understand it and know how to use it.

Bitcoin gives you a way to protect your wealth and allows it to cross borders easily. No Government, whether it’s one you voted for or not is able to debase it, censor it or confiscate it. Provided of course that you properly secure it and have the necessary skills to use it. If you currently lack Bitcoin knowledge or practical skills in using it, then the best investment you can make is with your time. Before making any big or rash financial allocations you should make sure you understand it thoroughly.

You also need to make sure that any Bitcoin you do acquire is kept in self-custody. If you leave your Bitcoin on an exchange or with any third party then the promises of your wealth being free from debasement, censorship or confiscation completely evaporate.

As for Bitcoin ETF shares, we doubt they would be of much use to you in a SHTF situation.

Embrace Cyber Security & Privacy

The world we live in now is increasingly lived online. This means that as we navigate the modern world, we are exposed to new threats that most people have yet to properly consider or mitigate against.

Every device you own is a potential access point to extremely valuable information about you, your family, your movements, your location and your behaviour. In the wrong hands this information can be used with devastating effect to disrupt your life and do real harm.

Are you quite active and political online? That could potentially draw the wrong kind of attention from various sources.

Do you store your wealth in Bitcoin and talk and post about it often? Again, this can potentially draw unwanted attention.

Now we’re not suggesting you need to stop these activities, become a recluse and spend the rest of your life hiding under your bed. But at the same time, we can’t think of a situation where valuing your online security and privacy doesn’t make sense. There is no downside to improving it. This is doubly true during times of political and societal unrest. With the world becoming less stable and more adversarial it’s becoming increasingly important that you take the protection of your critical information much more seriously.

Embrace ‘Plan B’ Citizenship

Beyond just putting plans in place for your digital security, it also makes sense to consider investing in your physical security. Bar none, the most effective way to do this by having the ability to put yourself in a safe location should the need arise.

Now we aren’t trying to suggest that recent news events mean you should be grabbing a ‘bug-out-bag’ and putting your family on the next flight to anywhere. We know that you don’t want to leave the place you call home, your friends or your extended family. You’re proud of where you come from, and you’d rather contribute to your country and your community than leave. We understand because we feel the same way.

We are however advocating that it’s worth thinking about what you might do should your way of life become untenable in the place you currently live. We think it makes sense to have a considered plan in place should you ever find yourself in the situation where changing location is the only way to achieve the life you want to create for you and your family.

There are a whole host of reasons having a ‘Plan B’ in place makes a lot of sense. You can find locations with more favourable tax regimes, political stability, economic opportunity and the chance to build a happy and peaceful life. One of the advantages of becoming a sovereign individual is the ability to vote with your feet.

Many people unfortunately are under the impression that achieving residency orcitizenship in another country is only within the grasp for the ‘uber wealthy’. The good news however is that for now at least, this isn’t totally accurate. Buying instant citizenship will of course cost you big, but with the right strategy and guidance it’s still possible to achieve residency status in a variety of Bitcoin friendly and politically stable countries.

Become Self Sovereign

We hope you found some value in this article. We aren’t here to sway anybody’s political opinion, that’s not our job. And to be completely frank with you, we can barely make sense of what’s going on ourselves at this point. Instead, it’s our job to help people harness the tools of the sovereign individual.

We don’t care which way you vote. We just hope that the first vote you cast is for yourself.

If more of us adopt the tools of the sovereign individual, then collectively we can move beyond simply being pawns on the chessboard. By setting ourselves free perhaps we can become players with the ability to influence the outcome of the game itself.

We don’t just need political change. We need societal change. Will you take a seat at the table. Will you join us?

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