Pursuing Freedom in Panama

With the world descending into turmoil and chaos there has never been a better time to secure a Plan-B residency.

In this article:

If like us your main priorities include maximising your freedom, improving your quality of life, and making sure your family is safe and secure, then there’s no question that Bitcoin should be an important part of your strategy.

Thanks to its verifiable and capped supply, greedy central banks and incompetent governments can’t debase Bitcoin like they do with fiat. This gives us a way to save for our future and build wealth without having to speculate to outpace inflation. One of the most important aspects of Bitcoin is that it gives us a reliable method for working towards financial freedom.

And of course, pursuing financial freedom is a great way to improve your overall quality of life. But we shouldn’t be too quick to confuse financial freedom with true freedom. Financial freedom is merely a means to an end, it’s only one component of achieving true self sovereignty.

Viewing Bitcoin through a narrow lens and only focussing on its price and purchasing power overlooks the deeper, more revolutionary aspects of its design. It wasn’t created just to make you wealthy. First and foremost, Bitcoin was designed to set you free. For the first time ever, Bitcoin allows you to make global financial transactions without having to seek anyone’s permission. What’s more, nobody can confiscate your money or censor your transactions.  

Once you fully understand the implications of this, you progress beyond seeing Bitcoin as just an ‘investable asset’. Instead, you begin to embrace it for what it truly is, freedom money. Eventually you start to realise that Bitcoin can do much more to further your pursuit of freedom than simply make you rich.

That’s why this week we want to share how Bitcoin is just one component of a much broader strategy we have for pursuing true sovereignty. We want to show you that not only can your money be borderless, but that you can as well.

So, let’s explore why securing a Plan-B Residency is the perfect complement to stacking Plan-B money when the aim of the game is to maximise your freedom.  

The Benefits of a Plan B Residency

Securing a Plan-B residency in a Bitcoin-friendly jurisdiction is a smart strategy for any Bitcoiner looking to maximize their freedom and protect their way of life.

With the political landscape becoming increasingly unpredictable, a Plan-B Residency can improve your ability to protect your family, maintain your freedom, and safeguard your assets. As civil and political unrest spread and governments become more desperate in their attempts to maintain control of the narrative, they are increasingly resorting to attacking the basic freedoms of private citizens.

In recent years even Western nations, traditionally viewed as champions of democracy and personal freedom, consistently display concerning tendencies. The Canadian Government froze people’s bank accounts for protesting their Covid policies, The UK has started arresting citizens for posting ‘wrongthink’ on Twitter, and the French authorities recently arrested the CEO of Telegram for allowing people to send private messages.

Even in America, famously the ‘land of the free’, we’ve seen giant social media companies censor free speech and even ‘cancel’ people they deem to be saying ‘inappropriate’ things online. They weren’t even particularly subtle about it. Even a sitting president had their Twitter account banned while still in office!

As things progress down this road, Western ‘democracies’ continue to become increasingly unrecognisable from what they were just 20 years ago. Basic freedoms that were once considered sacrosanct are now frequently trampled upon.

The point is, everywhere you look, your right to privacy, your freedom of speech, and freedom to transact are under attack.

A Plan-B Residency acts as the ultimate insurance policy against your government going too far and eroding your basic freedoms to the point where you no longer find it acceptable. Even if we haven’t reached that point just yet, knowing you can leave in an instant and live somewhere that will respect your sovereignty can provide real peace of mind.

In the near future you may find that a secondary residency becomes a valuable tool for preserving your individual liberties.  

But securing a Plan-B residency shouldn’t just be construed as a way to ‘run away’ from your government and go into hiding. That would be a gross misconception. Instead, a Plan-B residency should be considered a way to expand your options, broaden your horizons and open up new opportunities. It grants you the freedom to become a global citizen, capable of expressing your sovereignty by choosing where you live based on where you’ll be treated best.

Once you do begin to explore Plan-B residencies you find that many jurisdictions are ready and waiting to offer you an extremely warm welcome. There are incredible options in beautiful Bitcoin friendly locations where you can enjoy an extremely high quality of life.  You can enjoy smaller, less intrusive governments, less onerous taxation systems and a lower cost of living.

You might even find your Plan-B actually ends up becoming Plan-A!

Secure Plan B Residency in Panama

A Plan-B residency sounds great in theory, but progressing into making it a reality can feel like a huge chasm to cross. Navigating the financial and legal systems of a foreign country can be daunting and overwhelming. There is a lot of conflicting information online and it’s not always easy to be sure if you’re getting good advice.

That’s why we want to demonstrate to you that at The Bitcoin Way we don’t just talk the talk about Plan-B residencies, we walk the walk. Every member of our founding team has multiple residencies, and we are experts in leveraging jurisdictional arbitrage to maximise our freedoms. This experience is what forms the backbone of the Plan-B residency programs we offer to our clients.

One of our favourite destinations right now and one that comprehensively meets the needs of our clients is the beautiful country of Panama.

Why Panama?

There are a whole host of reasons why the beautiful country of Panama is such a great option to consider for your Plan-B residency plans.

Panama City itself is a vibrant and modern metropolis with incredible restaurants, a wide range of options for leisure and entertainment and all the modern conveniences you would expect from any developed nation including excellent healthcare. It’s clean, safe, packed full of culture, and the people are incredibly hospitable and welcoming.  

But don’t worry if the hustle and bustle of city life isn’t your thing. From stunning beaches to tropical jungles filled with amazing wildlife Panama is the perfect place to reconnect with nature and live life at a slower more peaceful pace as well. There are thriving communities filled with Bitcoiners building self sufficient eco-villages allowing them to live life sustainably and on their terms.

Another interesting thing about Panama that should appeal to any Bitcoiner is the fact that it doesn’t have a central bank. They do have their own currency, the Panamanian Balboa, but its pegged 1:1 to the US Dollar. Dollars themselves circulate widely across the whole country and will be accepted everywhere you go.

As you already know, we’re not fans of fiat currencies, but it’s impossible to deny that the US Dollar is the strongest and most stable amongst them. The fact that Panama doesn’t have a central bank and a local currency that the government can easily debase means that it’s likely to remain much more stable than other locations. Yes, they remain downstream of the criminal organisation that calls itself the Federal Reserve, but this is preferable to the much weaker and more unstable currencies of other nations.

Other things likely to appeal to the freedom-minded amongst you is the fact that Panama also doesn’t have a formal military, and residents have the legal right to own firearms in order to protect themselves.

Creating Sovereign Bitcoiners in Panama

There are lots of reasons why a Plan-B residency in Panama makes a lot of sense for someone trying to safeguard their wealth and their freedoms. But how practical is it to actually achieve it?

For clients of The Bitcoin Way? Extremely practical.

In just one visit, we can help you complete all the necessary steps to secure temporary residency, valid for 6 months. We help you file and sign all the necessary paperwork with one of our trusted attorneys, open your first Bitcoin-friendly Panamanian bank account, and attend a migration office appointment to obtain your temporary residency card. Our expedited service helps you complete this entire process in under one week.

We make the whole process simple, painless and fun. You will find us ready and waiting to greet you at the airport when you arrive, and we will be with you every step of the way, accompanying you to all your appointments. We ensure our client’s application process is smooth, seamless and successful every time.

But don’t worry, your trip won’t just be about filing paperwork. We’re all residents of Panama ourselves and we know the place well. You won’t find any language barriers in Panama as English is widely spoken, but there’s nothing like working with people who know their way around. Our local knowledge helps you integrate into Panamanian life very quickly. We help you find excellent accommodation, show you our favourite restaurants, and take you on excursions to explore the countries’ natural beauty and connect with the local Bitcoin community.

You’ll feel like a local in no time!

The end result?

You and your entire family will obtain the right to legally live and work in Panama in just one trip and you are now on the pathway to permanent residency status and eventually full citizenship.

On your second trip to Panama this temporary residency will then be extended to a duration of 2 years and by the third trip this is increased to a full 5 years. After 5 years have elapsed, on your fourth trip to Panama you will even have the right to apply for full citizenship!

Become A Sovereign Individual – The Bitcoin Way

With the world descending into turmoil and the most contentious elections in history on the horizon in the USA, there has never been a better time to secure a Plan-B residency option in Panama. It is one ofthe most effective ways for you to become more sovereign, protect your interests, and make sure your family can continue to live life as you see fit, no matter what happens.

Our most recent trip to Panama was our most successful yet. We worked with more than 15 clients ranging from just 10 years old all the way up to Bitcoiners in their 80’s. Every single one of them had an excellent experience and successfully secured their temporary residency before flying home.

If you’re interested in taking the next step to becoming a sovereign individual, then we would love to help you achieve the same. If you’re interested in safeguarding your freedom, making deep personal connections with our team and becoming part of the Bitcoin community in Panama, then we would love you to join us on our next trip.

Freedom won’t just land in your lap. You need to pursue it. If you’re ready to become truly ungovernable then book a free 30-minute call with our team and start your journey to becoming a truly global citizen.

Pursue your
freedom today

Every journey begins by taking the first step. Book a free 30-minute consultation with one of our experts and let’s start securing your future.