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Have You Joined the Home Bitcoin Mining Revolution?

Home Bitcoin mining equipment is getting cheaper, more accessible and more efficient. It has never been easier to start hashing and contributing to the network!

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’ve already committed hundreds if not thousands of hours to researching Bitcoin.

Like the rest of us, along the way you probably had to unlearn years of Keynesian economic theory and socialist dogma, before truly appreciating the importance of sound money, and the essential role it plays in a functioning society.

The question ‘What it is Money?’ appears quite simple, but pose it to most people, and you’ll find they struggle to give you a coherent answer. That’s because a deep understanding of money requires proof-of-work, and a knowledge of monetary history that spans thousands of years. Most people don’t understand it fully, because they haven’t put in the time or the work.

Bitcoiners however, have.

If you ask a Bitcoiner ‘What is Money?’ you might want to take a seat and make yourself comfortable. You’re about to learn a lot more than you bargained for about shells, feathers, Rai stones, Aggry beads and precious metals. Not to mention a deep dive into the properties of money, and why Bitcoin is superior in every way to all of the above.

You’ll notice that people typically only develop a serious conviction in Bitcoin after studying it thoroughly. Being able to hold through years of price volatility and constant media FUD is what happens when you understand Bitcoin’s role as the future of money, rather than just a speculative investment.

But despite your conviction being built through hours of dedicated research, one of the most annoying things about being a Bitcoiner is that when it does inevitably rocket in value, people claim you just ‘got lucky’.

The people who call you lucky have done zero research themselves, so can’t comprehend that adopting Bitcoin is nothing like gambling or betting on stocks. But rather than get frustrated by their lack of curiosity, we should perhaps consider what these people’s misconceptions tell us about the nature of luck itself.

Getting ‘lucky’ with Bitcoin is the direct result of how much effort you put in to understanding it. Luck isn’t some magical force, it’s just what happens when you commit to a course of action and work hard at it.

So, this week let’s explore another way you might exercise a little curiosity and hard work that could end up attracting even more good luck…

Let’s look at how you can give yourself the chance of winning the greatest lottery on earth by going down the rabbit hole of ‘solo Bitcoin mining’.

What is Bitcoin Mining?

Let’s start with a high-level explanation of what Bitcoin mining is, and the role it plays in keeping Bitcoin’s network both secure and decentralised.

With Bitcoin, Satoshi wanted to create a monetary system that requires no third parties to operate it. To achieve this goal, Satoshi would have to find an answer to the following question:

“If you create a monetary system with no central authority, then who will process and record all the transactions?"

The answer Satoshi came up with is that instead of relying on trusted institutions, Bitcoin would allow anybody to add blocks of transactions to its ledger by letting them engage in a process called Bitcoin mining.

Here’s how it works:

Every ten minutes, miners gather pending Bitcoin transactions and arrange them into blocks ready for submission to Bitcoin’s blockchain. But before a miner can add their block to the ledger, they must first hash it using the SHA-256 algorithm.

Hashing their block converts all the data within it into a random string of numbers and letters:

For a miner’s block to be considered valid, and to be the next one added to Bitcoin’s blockchain, the hash of their block must have a value lower than a threshold set by Bitcoin’s protocol. This means blocks typically need to begin with a significant amount of 0’s. The first miner who finds a block with a hash lower than this threshold gets to be the next one to add their block of transactions to the ledger.

The trouble is, it’s intentionally not easy to meet this threshold. The chances that the hash of your block happens to start with a long string of 0’s is extremely small. So in order to find a valid block, miners have to continuously change a single piece of data (known as the nonce) within their block, before they hash it again in another attempt to meet the threshold.

Millions of miners all over the world repeat this process tirelessly 24/7, hashing millions of times per second as they compete with one another to try and find those elusive valid blocks and win the right to have their block added to the ledger next.

But why does the process have to be so difficult? And why would miners do so much expensive computational work to try and find valid blocks? What’s their incentive?

Well, the process of mining is intentionally computationally expensive because it helps ensure that nobody cheats. Any miner trying to manipulate transactions or rewrite history would still need to find a valid hash, and even if they did, their dodgy blocks will still be rejected by other network participants. Trying to cheat, simply isn’t worth the effort.

Besides, there is a far bigger incentive for miners to be honest instead. Every time a miner finds a new valid block, they are rewarded by the protocol with freshly minted Bitcoin in the form of a block reward.

This block reward currently stands at a rather handsome 3.125 Bitcoin for every block found! That’s over $300,000 (at current prices) up for grabs every ten minutes!  

Anybody Can Mine Bitcoin!

Bitcoin allows anyone to be a miner and hash blocks and process transactions for the network. The protocol even pays you to do it!

It’s an ingenious solution. Satoshi created a protocol that maintains and secures itself by actively hiring and paying human beings. By allowing anyone to compete for the next block it also ensures that the network remains decentralised and can operate without the need for any oversight from a central authority.

Without this mining process Bitcoin simply wouldn’t work. But with it, Bitcoin renders banks completely obsolete.

We no longer need banks to store our money, because we can now take custody of our own wealth. We no longer need banks to keep a secure record of financial transactions, because Bitcoin’s ledger is more secure and robust than any centralised record keeping system. And we no longer need banks to process transactions, because Bitcoin mining completely democratises that process as well.

So, you’ve already replaced your bank account with a Bitcoin wallet. And if you run your own node, you’re already keeping your own copy of Bitcoin’s ledger. But how about going one step further?

What would it take to enter the worldwide Bitcoin mining lottery, hash some blocks, support the network, and try your luck at scooping that next juicy 3.125 BTC block reward?

Solo Bitcoin Mining Has Never Been Easier

The great news is that in 2025 you don’t need to be Elon Musk to figure out how to start Bitcoin mining at home.

The landscape of Bitcoin mining is shifting rapidly due to the emergence of user-friendly, efficient mining hardware designed specifically for home enthusiasts. These devices are inexpensive and quick to setup, and make solo mining accessible to even non-technical users. They can range from little miners that sit on your desktop to fully integrated heaters that can use excess heat generated during mining to heat your front room!

Home mining solutions are proliferating at a rapid pace, so we don’t have time to pick through every single option, but let’s take a look at a few of the devices that are quickly becoming popular and that you might have heard of:

The Bitaxe Gamma

This device stands out as a prime example of the new wave of mining equipment being introduced to the market. Designed to be simple, the plug and play design allows users to mine Bitcoin directly over Wi-Fi without even needing a computer. The device can run cool and quiet so it’s unintrusive, and the whole project is open source (just like Bitcoin) so you can tinker with it and adapt it however you see fit.

The Apollo 2

The Apollo 2 is another very interesting device that’s becoming increasingly popular. The Apollo 2 is not only a miner but also acts as your full Bitcoin node all in one handy desktop device. Again the Apollo 2 is aimed squarely at the hobbyist miner and is easy to setup without needing any deep technical expertise. For the Bitcoiner wanting to dip their toe into Bitcoin mining, Apollo makes it straightforward and hassle free.

The Braiins 100 Mini Miner

Braiins, a name long associated with Bitcoin mining innovation and one of the longest running Bitcoin mining pools, has also entered the home mining arena. Their hardware is small, silent and simple to use. Their goal is to offer you a miner that you can plug in at home and simply forget about while it hashes away.

Their hardware solutions are designed to be both efficient and user-centric, ensuring that individuals can contribute to the Bitcoin network without the overhead of complex setups or excessive energy consumption.

The appeal of these devices lies not just in their performance, but in their accessibility. Where once Bitcoin mining was the preserve of only the technically astute or large-scale operations with deep pockets. Today, with a modest investment, individuals can set up a mining rig at home and contribute to the decentralization and security of the Bitcoin network with relative ease. The intuitive interfaces and streamlined setups of these devices mean that even for those without a technical background, it’s never been easier for anyone to play the great Bitcoin mining lottery!

Can I Mine Bitcoin Profitably?

The first thing everyone wants to know about Bitcoin mining is how much money they can make. The question on everyone’s lips is “Can I mine Bitcoin profitably?”  

Unfortunately the unsatisfying answer to that question is always – “It depends”

Bitcoin relies on ‘proof-of-work’. The operative word being ‘work’. You don’t get to hash blocks without having to expend computational effort for each and every attempt. That effort translates to electricity, and electricity comes with a cost.

Profitability in Bitcoin mining is a delicate equation with three primary variables: hardware efficiency, electricity rates, and network difficulty. If you want to mine Bitcoin profitably, you need to be hashing as fast as possible, while consuming as little power as possible. If your electricity is cheap, you’ve got a fighting chance, but if it isn’t, you might end up spending more money hashing than you make back in block rewards.

Thankfully, home mining is slowly starting to become more viable again. Compact home miners like the ones mentioned above draw much less power compared to their industrial predecessors and don’t create anywhere near as much noise. With this new class of home miners you can now participate in mining without industrial sized power bills, or shredding your ear drums and upsetting all your neighbours.

These new devices have lowered the initial setup and running costs of home mining making it much more accessible. But this is still no guarantee that you’ll be profitable. If profit is your main motive for exploring Bitcoin mining, then it’s important you understand that you’re not playing this game in isolation.

If other miners can source cheaper hardware and electricity than you, then they can hash more efficiently and more profitably than you. These profitable miners are then likely to expand their operations, which drives up the total hash-rate of the network. As the hash-rate increases, the odds of you being the one to find the next valid block decreases. So, when more miners join the network, unless you can find cost savings or efficiencies in your own setup, there will be downward pressure on your profitability.

Your eyes should be open to the fact that Bitcoin mining is savagely competitive. You’ll be competing against institutional mining companies with huge economies of scale and even people with access to free geothermal energy.

But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. If you live in a place with cheap energy or have the means to produce your own at low cost, then it’s absolutely possible to run a profitable home mining rig. You might not make a meaningful dent in the global hash rate yourself, but who cares? Profit is profit.

And of course, there’s always the outside chance that you get lucky, and solo mine a valid block all by yourself. With a chunky reward of 3.125 BTC (Over $300K) that’s the kind of lottery that it might just be worth buying a ticket for. Solo miners have found blocks before, and they will find them again.

The only chance you have of finding one yourself is to spin up your own home miner!

Why Should I Play the Bitcoin Mining Lottery?

If you came here hoping that Bitcoin mining would be a fast route to quitting your job and relaxing on the beach while miners in your garage sit printing Bitcoins for you, then we’re sorry to have to burst your bubble. You are not going to become Bitcoin’s answer to Jerome Powell any time soon.

But there’s a whole host of reasons why any serious Bitcoiner should consider getting started with home mining:

  1. It is possible to mine profitably and grow your Bitcoin stack IF you have access to cheap electricity. Perhaps you could be creative and find ways to produce your own?
  2. Like in any lottery, there are no guarantees, but you could beat the odds and find a valid block yourself for a huge reward.The odds are slim, but you have to be in it to win it!
  3. Any Bitcoin you manage to mine is completely pristine. No-KYC and no transaction history. Having a stash of Bitcoin nobody knows you own is a very powerful thing.
  4. Even if your mining setup isn’t particularly profitable, any sats you manage to mine now could be worth significantly more in ten years’ time.
  5. Any time or energy you invest into improving your understanding of Bitcoin comes with huge ROI. Bitcoin is the future of money, the better you understand it, the better prepared you are for the future. Bitcoin mining will bolster your existing knowledge and take you even further down the rabbit hole.

And last but not least, by running your own miner and contributing your hash power to the network, you play an important role in increasing Bitcoin’s security and decentralisation. By exercising your sovereignty you can help support the most liberating technology ever created. You’d be hard pushed to find a more worthy cause.

Increase Your Hash Rate - The Bitcoin Way

If seeing solo miners strike it lucky, find valid blocks, and win huge block rewards doesn’t set your imagination racing, then you should probably check to see if you have a pulse.

Not only is it exciting to imagine what it must feel like to win a whole block reward, it’s also deeply satisfying knowing that the freshly minted Bitcoin from that block is making its way into the hands of a true Bitcoin pleb rather than a VC-backed corporate mining company.

At The Bitcoin Way we’re excited to see the growing popularity of home Bitcoin mining. Can you imagine if hundreds of millions of people participated? We might be able to put more hash power in the hands of sovereign individuals than giant corporate miners. That would be a huge win for the network and a huge win for Bitcoiners. With powerful competitors, the odds may be stacked against us. But when has that ever phased the Bitcoin community?

Want to join the fight and start your own Bitcoin home mining adventure but don’t know where to start? Our experts can get you up and hashing in no time at all, just book a free call to get started.  

This our call to arms! Join us, and let’s defend the network together!

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