Bitcoin Prevents Distraction

We are often drawn to complexity as though it holds some sort of value. We often find however that keeping things simple and focussed is the right solution.

Michael Jordan

Chief Growth Officer of The Bitcoin Way and host of The Bitcoin Way Podcast

In last Tuesday’s episode of our bi-weekly show, Bitcoin Banter, my friend and colleague, Rick Messitt, reminded me of an important truth about Bitcoin.

We were discussing the recent hijacking of LEGO’s website used to promote a “LEGO coin;” yet another copycat, centralized crypto token. The team talked about the need for cyber vigilance in this day and age because of the various threats we face, ranging from hackers to scams and on and on.

But Rick made a great point during the conversation and I’ll paraphrase:

If all you focus on is Bitcoin, none of these things are a threat to you.

When you are 100% Bitcoin-only, you won’t be enticed to click on links about meme coins or respond to “urgent” scam calls from big exchanges because you don’t have any interest in meme coins and you don’t keep your coins on exchanges.

You’ve effectively limited your risk just by zooming in on the single, best form of money available.

And that got me thinking. When I first started my Bitcoin journey, I explored the entire array of crypto products. I bought a couple of NFTs and lost some money (go figure). I contemplated some “digital real estate” in the metaverse (glad I chickened out of that one!). I bought and traded some other cryptocurrencies and made a few thousand dollars (woohoo!). I even listened to a whole audiobook about the “blockchain revolution” that hasn’t yet, and never will, take place.

Once I found Bitcoin and really began to understand it or, more precisely, began to recognize the problems it solves, it was game over for all that nonsense.

My days in “crypto” became as simple as dollar cost averaging into Bitcoin. I could ignore forevermore the noise that is the world of crypto and Web 3.0 and NFTs. All distractions were gone. My audiobooks and podcasts quickly shifted to Bitcoin-only… or whatever else I just enjoyed listening to.

That alone freed up a lot of time and headspace.

Then, I started thinking about how much time I save not thinking about my investment strategy. I’d accumulated a decent traditional fiat portfolio with the help of a financial advisor and would often check the stock market and personal portfolio performance.

Moving forward, those questions you have to think about - your risk tolerance, your age, when you want to retire, how many kids you want to have, how many vacations you want to go on - were no longer relevant.

Why wouldn’t I just put my cash flow (and some of my fiat portfolio) into Bitcoin? At my age, I can handle the volatility until it levels out and I don’t see how, given the macroeconomic mess we are in, massive debt loads we’re taking on, and geopolitical fragility that plagues the world, anything will outperform Bitcoin over the long term.

So, I started putting any incoming cash into Bitcoin. And then, by a stroke of luck, I started getting paid in Bitcoin when I began working with The Bitcoin Way.

And now, I benefit from the freedom of not thinking everything to death. I know a scam when I see one because my Bitcoin is in proper self-custody. I don’t waste time on any other shiny new crypto projects because they aren’t competing to take down central banks or as the next global reserve currency. And, there is no back and forth with a financial advisor about how to best allocate incoming capital because it comes in as Bitcoin and goes straight to cold stage as Bitcoin.

Life is easier on a Bitcoin standard. Bitcoin prevents the inevitable distractions and scams that people look for when they are greedy or desperate.

Me? I’m comfortable knowing my savings are secured, I’m as well allocated into Bitcoin as I can be, and I don’t have to spend my time - my most finite resource - deciphering what my next play should be.

Because Bitcoin is my only play moving forward.

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