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Bitcoin is Free Speech

The UK's crackdown on free speech highlights the power of Bitcoin in protecting freedom and autonomy.

In the last few weeks, the State’s war on free speech has noticeably picked up steam.

The UK has been particularly tyrannical, arresting citizens for “hateful” views posted on social media and going so far as to threaten extraditing non-citizens abroad who don’t comply. It’s beyond the understanding of most people just how dangerous a precedent this is; most will follow like sheep to the slaughter and self-censor or otherwise capitulate to this injustice. We’ve grown desensitized to “Nazi” comparisons being thrown around flippantly in politics, but make no mistake, this is a moment where the shoe fits.

Freedom to express your thoughts without retaliation from the State is perhaps the most important right endowed upon humanity, because it provides a free market of ideas whereby, when left alone, the best ideas tend to thrive and the worst tend to die.

But free speech isn’t merely expression of thoughts and ideas, though. One important attribute of this inalienable right that we take for granted is freedom of transaction.

What we buy, when we purchase goods and services, and how much of a thing we acquire serves as a voice to the market as to what is valued and, consequently, what should and shouldn’t be produced and in what quantities. These seemingly small decisions, when made by millions in a society or billions globally, spring from them the markets that bring us space heaters, smartphones, meat, diesel trucks, LED lights, leather sofas, and other goods we desire.

The ability to transact without interference also offers us autonomy over the what we choose to consume, where we live, what we drive, and, importantly, what individuals, institutions, and non-profit organizations we support financially.

Today, the State possesses a powerful means of fighting both analog and digital speech in the form of law enforcement agencies and cooperation with Big Tech companies. And with a centralized banking system, it too can cut off the financial lifeblood of individuals, families, and business with the stroke of a keyboard or through the coercion of various authorities.

One of Bitcoin’s greatest, and most under-appreciated, benefits is the ability to for anyone around the globe to transact without permission, fear of censorship, or with no need for third-party facilitation.

In short, Bitcoin offers the opportunity for its users to freely express themselves with what they buy, from whom they buy things, to whom they make financial contributions, and much more.

With enough adoption, Bitcoin becomes the catalyst to limit State control over our lives. And, short of massive, international coordination, this new reality becomes inevitable over a long enough time horizon.

The importance of adopting Bitcoin as your savings vehicle extends beyond merely protecting your wealth and into protecting the freedom to use your wealth as you so desire.

This is not to be taken lightly. If you think “it can’t happen here,” it’s only because you aren’t paying attention to where it is already happening.

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