Bitcoin Isn't (exactly) For Doomers

Buying Bitcoin isn't just a way to run and hide. It's a way to run toward a brighter future

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is the Chief Revenue Officer of The Bitcoin Way and host of The Bitcoin Way Podcast.

Safe to say, the world is a crazy place these days. Look no further than last weekend’s assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

We have record debts even without a (formal) war, massive government deficits, politically divided and fractured nations across the globe, and sky-high inflation putting pressure on the lower and middle class.

We aren’t in a great spot, and, unfortunately, things probably have to get worse before they can get better. At the very least, we need a large swath of the citizenry (I’ll speak for the US, specifically) to wake up to what is happening; their “bond” investment portfolio is funding foreign wars, their groceries and gasoline are increasing in price due to an ever-expanding money supply that props up special interests, and we maybe-probably-seems-highly-possible almost had the leading presidential candidate killed through collusion with government. At least that is what a number of former snipers and special operations folks who would know seem to believe. 1 2 3

In such a world, it stands to reason that something entirely removed from “the system” is a hedge against catastrophe. And Bitcoin certainly fits the bill as an uncontrollable, decentralized, digital money with a fixed supply.

But another, more enlightened, view of Bitcoin might be as an antidote to so many problems we face today.

Imagine a world where war is unaffordable, denied its political allure, because of a monetary instrument that can’t be printed.

Imagine a world where our money is so immensely valuable, from its scarcity, cross-border utility, and inability to be devalued, that consumers shift their purchasing habits to only the best and the most essential, versus buying cheap crap from China that they don’t really need.

Imagine a world where governments are confined to operate by the will of the people because no money printer exists and consensus is the only option if they value their re-election chances and personal safety.

Imagine a world where only the most valuable members of society - those building and creating things that we the People truly demand and need - are funded for their risk and efforts because endless debt and manipulated interest rates are no longer tenable.

For the doomers out there… yes, it is reasonable to anticipate that Bitcoin will cover you should your deepest fears come to fruition.

But for those of you that anticipate and hope for a brighter future, Bitcoin may just be the tool you’ve awaited.

If you need help learning how to properly use and leverage Bitcoin as part of your strategy to protect your wealth and your family's interests then give us a call. We can help you with that!





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